So what is light and what is G-d.  Working on a sermon for February 15 on God is Light… Opposite is not the same, light is not God although is is a manefestation of God, it leads us to God.  Light is also insight, internal light that shows me right from wrong, better from just okay.  So how do I convey Light to a Christian congregation without sounding too new age or woo woo?

Some work yesterday.  Found some songs, one old, one current, that go with this theme.  Need to make application to daily life.  How do I find Light?  How do I follow light?  Starting with first act of God…let there be Light… until I see the light put in me by Gpd as the spark of eternal light.  How is is this practical?

More later… time to go out to dinner with friends.  It’s Friday!