The first day of spring.

I looked at igoogle today and saw the “earth light” picture of where light is currently in our world.  Unlike last December, when the light boundary was a waiving line, today it is a straight line.
Equinox: equal light and dark..balance..the beginning of spring.
In Oklahoma there is a true spring.  I had become accustomed to spring in northern California.  It is different here.  During the winter most of the trees loose their leaves but the black jack do not.  As spring starts, those leaves finally fall and the branches are black.  Then the native redbuds and wild dogwoods along with the Bradford Pears and crab apple begin to blossom in white and reds.  The colors are pale but very apparent next to the blackjack and other trees.  Then the green starts…Elm and oak, maple and willow…All at different times but all responding to the light and the warmth.

A great time for beginnings.  All things being equal, or at least the light, start something new.  I did just that.  I started a new group on Facebook.

I can see some of you rolling your eyes but some of you are also ready to join.  One of my ChI minister friends wanted  a place where we could share ideas and rituals related to the earth.  I jumped in and created a Facebook group called “Earth Works”.  It is a place that can grow community, relationships and be a place for exchange of ideas, rituals and thoughts.
So I’m inviting you to join my group, to add your ideas, comments and rituals.  To create a community on line.  I’ll manage but you need to make it work.
If you have not joined Facebook yet, it’s easy.  If you think you don’t want to do it, just try.  I found it a great way to keep in touch, if not directly at least indirectly, with people from many different times and places in my life.  If it works well, I’ll think about a website and will send things out periodically.
All things being equal, join this group and make it a great place to visit.  Happy spring. for video of actual sermon

God is Light

Prepared for Church of the Open Arms

Presented on February 15, 2009

Spirit of the Living God,

Fall fresh on me.

Spirit of the Living God,

Fall Fresh on me.

Melt me, Mold me, Fill me, Use me,

Spirit of the Living God,

Fall fresh on me.

READ 1 John 1: 1-5

Last weekend I watched the director’s cut of Godfather I and II. Wonderful movies, right? The first Godfather was movie of the year–1972. But I had an extreme emotional reaction. I was depressed. It was not the violence; I long ago found a way to remove myself from violence on the screen. It was the total destruction of Michael.

When the movie begins Michael is student/solider just after World War II. Young, alive, filled with promise. His father is keeping him from the family business, the mafia or organized crime. As the movie progresses, Michael is drawn into the family business and he becomes darker and darker, more and more evil. At the end of the movie, there is no light left in Michael. His life is full of darkness.

And so am I. My dreams are filled with those images and that feeling of doom. Once again I realize how open I am to the influences in my surroundings. Coming to church last Sunday was the beginning of another personal spiritual and emotional recovery … and so was preparing this sermon. I had the core of this sermon completed before seeing the movie but I could not shake the way darkness was transmitted to me in that movie. Is light also transmitted? How does my image of God affect the light that I see and transmit?

When I was a child I learned in a concrete way. I had an image of God that was not just personal but a person. Jesus was my friend… but there was also an image of a judgmental male God…that old white man with a beard sitting on a throne ready to judge me for all the naughty things I did. I’ve just re-read the first five books of the Bible, the Torah, this time in version known as The Message, and I know the source of that image. Even the modern language version if those books do not and cannot change the judgmental warrior God image of the Hebrew Bible. And yet also there is the image of God as Light.

The Hindus have wonderfully colorful, varied images of God. I was taught that they were idol worshipers of many gods but I learned through study — as well as experience in a Hindu temple –that they are believers in one God while recognizing that there are many views of the one God and that God is in everything, including ourselves. None of their images spoke to me except the fire pit representing the Light of God; the warrior God images from the Hebrew Bible do not speak to me, but that burning bush really does.

Light! Light has so many wonderful meanings. Recently Bob had cataract surgery and the light coming into his eye now is now less distorted and clouded. His vision at just a week post surgery was 20/30! Mine has never been that good. He says that colors are clearer; his glasses are in the case; he looks forward to more improvement. His vision is better because there is more light making its way into his eye. No vision is possible without light. This is true for physical light as well as spiritual light.

We spent a couple of hours without light a few weeks ago. There is a large street light just outside our bedroom so we are never in real darkness but that night we were. We enjoyed a few hours of total quite and darkness. But that’s about all I wanted. I love the light!

For me, I can imagine God best when I think of light. That old Hebrew Bible has other images of God beyond the burning bush that bring me light. The first thing to be created was light so light is the symbol of creation. In the first chapter of Genesis is this passage

Then God said “let there be light” and there was light. And God saw that the light was good.

God led the Israelites through the wilderness for 40 years with a pillar of light by night so light represents God’s guidance.

The Lord went in front of them in a pillar of cloud by day, to lead them along the way, and in a pillar of fire by night, to give them light. Ex. 13:21

“Arise shine for thy light has come” is the beginning of the 60th chapter of Isaiah. This was the watchword for the girls’ mission organization that was so very fundamental to my life as a girl and teen in the Baptist Church. Here light represents the journey or ministry of my life.

The Psalms are full of light references.

Psalm 18:28 says:

You light my lamp; The LORD my God illumines my darkness.

Psalm 27:1 says:

The LORD is my light and my salvation;
Whom shall I fear?
The LORD is the defense of my life;
Whom shall I dread?


Psalm 119:105 says

Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path.

The New Testament has its share of light. In the gospel of Matthew the Magi are directed to Jesus by a great light. They told Herod:

“For we observed his star at its rising and have come to pay him homage” Matt 2:2

Jesus is said to be the light of the world. And in 1 John 1:7 we read:

“But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light,
we have community one with another.

We certainly know now that we Christians have light symbols for God. But how does this light image help me on my spiritual path? How does it help you?

For me I first needed to learn that a personal God does not have to be human. This was a great step for me. Personal and person were the same thing for me for many years. Now I have a more abstract image of God but there remains a presence that is personal and close to me.

Second, looking at God as Light, I could see that God is sending light to everyone on the earth. This Light that is God shines on all just as our sun shines on all of us on this planet. God is Light and that Light is for everyone. So I have no need and no right to judge how others live or how they imagine God.

Third, my visual images of God are now expanded. I can see that others need specific images of God and that I do not judge their usefulness in worship nor their validity for that person in their culture and time. Even if someone needs a judgmental, white old man God for their own spiritual path. — That’s not the image I need now but it served me well for many years.

I feel liberated and opened with the image of light. I know the Hebrew Bible and our Protestant tradition forbids making images of God but I also know that human minds work more on image that on words. And some have made the words of God into an idol.

The images I showed the children were my project for religion in art class at Pacific School of Religion. Some thought that doing an art project and a 5 page paper was the easier assignment but I knew I could write 15 pages. I did not know if I could create anything that might be close to art or at all useful. I now keep these three images in my office to remind me that I can create and that God is Light for any source. I learned that the process of creating these images and then explaining and using them was the art I needed.

How does that light image help me as I move through my day? I heard as a child that I needed to live so that other could see Jesus in me. That I might be the only Jesus or Bible some might ever have. I have taken this old ingrained thought, mixed it with years of living and knowledge, and found a scripture to incorporate that.

Let your light so shine before people that they may see your good works and glorify God who is above you.

For me this means that I seek the light each day; that I allow the light of God to be a part of me until it shines through me. It is me and yet it is more than me. At least this is my desire, never fully achieved.

But I also look for that light in others and not just in other Christians. I can see the light of God in fire images of the Hindus. The Muslims use absolutely no physical images of God in their worship and yet I find light in their lives, message and even in their buildings. Our relationship to and shared scripture with our Jewish relatives allows me the use of their light images for God. We light candles and I think: “there is another present with us today, even Jesus Christ. Amen

May you see Light.

May you be light this week.

Let others see Jesus in you.


So what is light and what is G-d.  Working on a sermon for February 15 on God is Light… Opposite is not the same, light is not God although is is a manefestation of God, it leads us to God.  Light is also insight, internal light that shows me right from wrong, better from just okay.  So how do I convey Light to a Christian congregation without sounding too new age or woo woo?

Some work yesterday.  Found some songs, one old, one current, that go with this theme.  Need to make application to daily life.  How do I find Light?  How do I follow light?  Starting with first act of God…let there be Light… until I see the light put in me by Gpd as the spark of eternal light.  How is is this practical?

More later… time to go out to dinner with friends.  It’s Friday!

My ChI ordination speech stated very clearly that my main call is to minister to other ministers. I am interpreting my assistant pastor in this light; I’m taking care of things that the pastor cannot take care of. But it is more that that.

Doing the work for GEM, Grow the Extra Mile, a spiritual marketing development program, I am concentrating on that part of who I am, a minister to ministers. I really believe in self care and I think this is the place to start with other ministers.

Starting the third Sunday of January we will start a ministerial support group at Open Arms after the church service. The first session will be to talk about the group and decide what we might use to study or guide our conversations. Then we will proceed with probably 9 or 10 monthly sessions during 2009.

The second part of this ministry will be developed further during 2009 through GEM but I am visualizing a couple of retreats each year, one on each coast, in the south (southern Florida and San Diego), one in the spring and one in the fall. They will start as 2 nights 3 day events probably at all inclusive spa resorts with me providing the spiritual guidance/support in addition to the events included by the resort.

The type of events I want to include will be stress reducing events such as massage, restorative yoga, meditation and other slow gentle events. Attendees can add services but every one will have some basic services and classes.

At least this is my idea today. More will be revealed and more will develop. Trust the process; what is to be will be.

My first Christmas on church staff.  It has been wonderful.  We still have the last Sunday and Christmas Eve to go.  I have made soup one Wednesday evening and will do so again tomorrow as my gift to members.  I’m addressing cards to church leaders now.  I decided that gifts were not appropriate so I did the soup instead.

Last Sunday was choir program; they did a great job and we really enjoyed the music.  This Sunday will have a children’s pageant.  Our pastor has found a way to do a pageant without knowing who will be there.  Costumes are in various sizes.  Only baby Jesus is decided before Sunday. Then whoever shows up is either a Sheperd or angel.  It is always sweet and with a minimum of hassle and little rehearsal.  Such a difference from old ways with many rehearsals and new costumes each year.  Children have a wonderful time and so does everyone else.

Christmas eve may be different this year.  I will do some of the readings unless we change and do the Godly Play Advent stories.  Depends on the cameras being able to project the story and the visuals of Godly Play.

After Christmas will come time to reflect and rest; that’s what winter is for.  It’s wonderful being on church staff at Christmas.

My first chance to preach and it’s on World Communion Sunday.  I have a lecture written…now to make it into a sermon I can preach instead of deliver.  It’s nearly 2 weeks away and these weeks are the busiest since I returned to Oklahoma.  This week I have 4 days of CLE all day each day, then it’s Sunday.. the following Wednesday I do the devotional during the Wednesday night service, then I leave for Kansas for conference and return on Saturday to preach the following day… What all this means is that I have only a couple of days to spend much time on this sermon.  I really need to be close to the time for the pressure so I’m sure I’ll be working on it during the conference.  At least I have a lecture to start from.

Unity, communion, the sign of unity in the bread and the wine, the body and blood of Christ.  the symbols are full of meaning and yet they can be so different.  I choose to look for the unity and not the differences. We all use bread and juice, fermented or not.  We all use the same or similar words.  Some stress repentance and others stress celebration.  Finding the reasons to celebrate can lessen depression without ignoring the negative.  Recognize the negative and challenges but emphasize and celebrate the positive, the work of God’s people throughout the world.

The bread and the wine are symbols for Christians but they come from Jewish tradition.  All saders have celebration of the bread and the wine.  we are connected.

Jesus said remember me…celebrating the lord’s supper is one way and the way he instituted.  We remember in many other ways but on World Communion Sunday much of the Christian world comes togetherh and remembers together.  This echumenical tradition was not the tradition of my youth but I embrase it.  How to go beyond Christian unity to interfaith must be held for another day.

So now that I have a job as associate minister, my days are not yet filled but I am beginning to see myself in a different light. Today I will visit the hospital where a church member is having surgery and talk to another who is about to be homeless.  Last night I worked with the worship team to select music for the next 3 weeks at the last of which I will preach. I”m preparing a sermon, reading materials written by retired clergy in our congregation, preparing for ministerial staff meeting tomorrow and shopping for clerical robes.  My ideas of foundation estate planning, assistance with the GLBT community with end of life issues, mediation services and legal services to underserved populations…all these ideas will develop.

My biggest job is to wait and allow things to develop.  The “job” with COA just developed…I returned and became active and then was asked to take on a job that fits my personality and energy levels as well as experience…I know that most of the task of minister can be done by someone not ordained or sanctioned by the church but when done by a minister, they are received in a different manner.

I want to include prayer in the 2 visits today and I pray for the courage and opening to do so.

Just a mere 28 years ago this noon, I went into labor with my first child…Tomorrow he will be 28 years old.  Today he called to say I was his medical contact person with his new doctor.  This will continue until he marries and then there is even less room for his mother.

I guess this is the path of successful motherhood, you work your way out of a job.  Now my job as his mother consists of talking every week, remembering his birthday and other events and hoping to have a few minutes to hug him in person this fall.  Sucessful and bittersweet.  I always need to remind myself to look at the positive sides of things. that’s the part of my personality or electricial system that misfires the most so I work on it daily.

I am proud of his accoumplishments,,,graduate degree and job, new apartment and friends without any hint of who he once was and completely separate from his idenity as a child.  He is an adult and I helped with that process.  I am proud to be his mother.

Thanks be to God for allowing me the priviledge of mothering Christopher William Nichols.

Things are becoming clearer all the time.  I can be everything I am even if not within one job…organizer is new possibity, at least part of the new effort in OKC at community organizing taking back citizenship actions.  Conference today has great potential…going to be reading and working on additional training in the next few weeks.

Began discusion bout estate planning for glbt community… need to find other attorneys who are willing to volunteer time…maybe my job is to organized and advertize and not to do…sounds more like me…

Tomorrow is church and I will participate but how is not yet deteremined. IT’s okay withme to find out on Sunday morning what I will be doing since I can do all the jobs without much preparation except preaching…speaking of which I need a topic and scripture for the worship team leader.

I think most of the inside details are done! House is now a home. We feel like we are at home here. Things work. Today we get a different dryer and try to figure out if the venting is not working or if it’s the old dryer. There are still things to be done outside; pots to plant, areas to be dug out. Tjhe condo association will replace fence and paint in the spring so I don’t want to do too much outside before that happens. Need some dirt work done to preserve the foundation of the house in the back yard. Need to get Association to redo the retaining wall. Soon we will be to redoing things we have done or just regular maintenance. Guess that means we are settled. We are home.